Tuesday, January 20, 2009

I'm grateful for President Bush.

Ingratitude is the ugliest human trait. You won't see it here.

Thank-you, President Bush. Thanks for keeping us safe for over seven years. No one believed after September 11th we would go seven years without an attack. But we didn't get attacked. You, President Bush, get the credit.

Thanks for giving us fifty-two weeks of uninterrupted economic growth after 9/11. Contrary to claims by the left, things were good for the majority of Americans during your presidency.

Thanks for being classy. Heaven knows your political opponents weren't classy. But you're better and you showed it.

Thanks for winning the war in Iraq (yes, we've won). You liberated 25 million people from one of the worst tyrants in history.

Thanks for being a good president.

1 comment:

Kris said...

Hear, Hear!!!