Monday, June 09, 2008


Senator Obama is experiencing a bounce in most national polls (Rasmussen has Obama leading McCain 50 tp 43 percent). The bounce comes on the heels of Obama officially clinching the Democrat nomination last week.

Don't fear, my weak-kneed Republican friends, I assure you this bounce is temporary.

This sort of thing happens every election cycle. This won't be Obama's last bounce, either, as he will likely receive a similar bump after the Democrat National Convention in August. John McCain, too, will receive a bounce in the polls after the Republican National Convention convenes in September. Bounces will likely occur for both candidates after running mates are chosen.

So don't worry, the only polls that count are the ones taken right before the election. Pay close attention to Rasmussen and Election Projection (Google it) because they are by far the most accurate when it comes to presidential races.

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