Friday, June 27, 2008

The end of talk radio?

One thing that has a good chance of happening under a President Obama is the re-institution of the Fairness Doctrine. The Fairness Doctrine was in place in US radio up until 1981 (I think) and it said that every single radio station that had political opinion had to make sure an equal amount of opposing opinion was represented.

This could end political opinion talk radio aka conservative talk radio. Radio stations may simply opt out of talk radio because twelve hours of lefty talk ain't gonna sell advertising space. Radio stations will take on different formats so they can make money. As Air America proved, liberal talk radio doesn't sell.

The scary thing is that a President Obama does not need congress enacting the Fairness Doctrine to kill conservative talk radio. There is a little known clause in the communication act that allows the FCC panel to force liberals on radio station advisor boards in the name of community representation. This doesn't guarantee the death of talk radio, but it makes more likely. And while the FCC has to have two Democrats and two Republicans on it's panel, the fifth member is a presidential appointee. An Obama appointee.

Don't think it could happen? You may be right, but just the other day House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced she wants Congress to look into the Fairness Doctrine again.

The Democratic congress is trying to kill conservative talk radio. Yet us religious conservatives are accused of being frascists and trying to force our way of life on everyone else all the while clamoring for a smaller government. Smaller government means a less powerful government, folks. How can we be for forcing anything on those we disagree with if we want smaller government? The fascistic tendencies are on the left.

Monday, June 09, 2008


Senator Obama is experiencing a bounce in most national polls (Rasmussen has Obama leading McCain 50 tp 43 percent). The bounce comes on the heels of Obama officially clinching the Democrat nomination last week.

Don't fear, my weak-kneed Republican friends, I assure you this bounce is temporary.

This sort of thing happens every election cycle. This won't be Obama's last bounce, either, as he will likely receive a similar bump after the Democrat National Convention in August. John McCain, too, will receive a bounce in the polls after the Republican National Convention convenes in September. Bounces will likely occur for both candidates after running mates are chosen.

So don't worry, the only polls that count are the ones taken right before the election. Pay close attention to Rasmussen and Election Projection (Google it) because they are by far the most accurate when it comes to presidential races.

Wednesday, June 04, 2008

John McCain will win the White House.

Just saw a segment on Fox News with former President Clinton adviser Dick Morris as a guest. He said in a year when the Democrats will win the White House they nominate a guy (Obama) who can't win and the Republicans, who shouldn't be able to win the presidency, nominate a guy who can't lose in McCain.

I believe this is the first time I've said this on my blog but I'm convinced Senator Obama can't win. If you look at the electoral map and states that are, right now, swing states, it is damn hard to imagine those states breaking for Obama. I'm sorry, but even though Election Projection (the most accurate site for election predictions) currently shows Obama winning the election 293 to 245 in electoral votes, I cannot see Obama winning most of the states he now has a small lead in while on the other hand I do see McCain keeping states he has slight leads in. Come on, folks, do you really believe that when November comes around that Colorado, New Mexico, New Hampshire, Ohio, Wisconsin, Iowa, Michigan, and Pennsylvania will all remain Obama states? And, conversely, do you really think Nevada, Missouri, Florida, Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee, South Carolina, West Virginia, or Louisiana will switch to Obama?

Of the seven states that Obama has a weak to moderate edge in, Pennsylvania could go either way (but for the purpose of this analysis, we'll give it to Obama) and Michigan will go to Obama. The rest will break for McCain. Of the nine states in which McCain has a weak to moderate edge, I frankly don't see Obama winning any of them.

That gives McCain exactly 300 electoral votes to Obama's 238.

John McCain will be the next president. When swing state voters show up at the polls in November, most who were considering voting for Obama will balk at the idea of electing America's first left-wing president and instead will opt for John McCain.

By the by, don't believe this nonsense about how Republicans will be slaughtered in the House and Senate. The GOP may lose as many as five seats in the Senate but that's far from a filibuster-proof majority. In the House, the GOP may lose as many as a dozen. Not good but hardly the slaughter some hysterics are forecasting.

If you think I'm smoking crack, tell me why.