Thursday, February 24, 2005

On John Kerry, Swift Boats Vets and Bill Maher.

Why did the left think it was okay for John Kerry to smear all Vietnam veterans by calling them war criminals and comparing them to Genghis Kahn yet thought it was wrong to challenge Kerry's record as a swift boat commander? Kerry can label all veterans as murderers and rapists but if 256 swift boat veterans challenge Kerry, Kerry supporters and their allies in the media go on the attack and denigrate those same veterans who served our country so valiantly. The swift boat vets were simply expressing the view that Kerry is not trustworthy (something that has been proven over and over) and that he would not make a good commander-in-chief. They were not calling Kerry a murderer nor were they comparing him to one of the most savage killers in world history. They were simply doing what the media should had been doing all along: Asking tough questions.

Bill Maher caused quite a stir recently when he said religious people suffer from a neurological disorder. Some conservatives, including conservative radio talk show host Michael Medved, have said that they think Maher should apologize. I had to scratch my head at this one. Why on Earth would anyone want an apology from Bill Maher? Maher, if he had apologized, sure as Hell wouldn't have meant it. Maher can be funny from time to time but his understanding of religion and and those who worship is lacking. He simply has no brains when it comes to the subject. As a religious person myself, I don't want an apology from Maher. It would mean nothing.

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