Wednesday, February 23, 2005

Al Franken is afraid of ideas.

The left takes absurdity to a new level.

Former Saturday Night Live writer-actor-comedian Al Franken was at the Conservative Political Action Commitee gathering last week in Washington. Conservative talk show host Michael Medved was broadcasting his show live from CPAC and had asked Mr. Franken to come on the show to debate. Franken was willing but nearly had a cow when he found out author and Swift Boat Veteran leader John O'Neil was to be Michael's guest as well. Franken threw down a chair, refused to debate O'Neil (gotta love those libs and their fear of debating ideas) and stormed off after a few terse words with Medved.

Al Franken is not a credit to the left. His Air America radio program does not allow guests with opposing views on to debate the issues. Franken is apparently fearful of debating the issues himself. This is yet another example of leftist intolerance. They are all for freedom of speech as long as they agree with it. And they've been trying to marginalize Republicans for nearly fifty years (thank Heaven for Fox News Channel, talk radio and bloggers or conservatives would never get a fair shake).

What is the left afraid of? Why are they so unwilling to listen to the right? Conservative talk shows have guests on their programs whom they disagree with all the flippin' time yet one of the many failings of Air America is it's refussal to even invite those they disagree with to appear on their various talk radio programs. This makes for extremely boring radio. No wonder no one is listening.

Could it be that the left is afraid that if conservative views are held up to the same light liberal views are people will chose conservative ideas? I don't know. But I'm alarmed that many on the left are so unwilling to debate and exchange ideas. Democracy is at it's best when two very different and legitimate parties confront each other over ideas. But, at this point, the Democratic Party is not a legitimate party. It's a haven of lunacy.

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