Thursday, October 15, 2009

New blog in the works.

How's it going everyone? I haven't blogged in awhile and for the three of you that actually read this blog it must be very painful to not hear from me in so long (hardy har har). Anyway, what I currently have in the works may excite some of you: I will be starting a new blog that only focuses on lists! Yay! You know, top 10 lists? Some lists will be purely entertaining while others will be informative and/or serious. It's something I've been thinking about for some time. I've got a lot of great ideas for lists and just need to write it down. More deatils (hopefully) soon.


Lord Mhoram said...

Give us a link, when ready, obviously.

Kris said...

Can I make a list for you? Top 10 things that need to get done at our house. HA HA HA!!! JK Love ya